카테고리 없음

[오픽] 동네 및 이웃 스크립트

benjykim 2021. 2. 17. 09:12

[오픽] 동네 및 이웃 스크립트

선택 사항: 일 경험 없음 / 학생 아니다(수강 후 5년 이상 지남) / 가족과 함께 거주 / 영화보기, 공원가기, 해변가기, 카페/커피 전문점 가기 / 음악 듣기 / 조깅 및 걷기, 하이킹/트레킹 / 운동 전혀 하지 않음 / 집에서 보내는 휴가 / 국내 여행 / 해외 여행

난이도: 5 선택

성적: IH

참고 자료: 오픽 노잼 및 2주 만에 끝내는 해커스 오픽(Advanced 공략)

스크립트 정리

  • I would like to know about your neighborhood. What does your neighborhood look like? Please describe your neighborhood in as much detail as possible.
    • Answer: Um.. neighborhood. Alright. I live in a large city called Seoul and my neighborhood is close to Seoul National University station on line two. And you know, there are lots of coffee shops around my neighborhood. It’s like a coffee land. I so ~ love it. I don’t know if all these cafes can make money. Anyway, I’m mostly satisfied with my neighborhood. Becuz of accessibility with subway station, lots of coffee shops. So, that’s why I love my neighborhood.

  • Can you tell me about your neighbors? Describe one of your neighbors in detail. How did you first become acquainted with that neighbor? Are you close to the person? What do you usually do together?
    • Answer: um… well, the only neighbor I know is Mr. Lee who lives just upstairs. I think he’s the closest neighbor. We run into each other maybe… once a week? In elevator. If we’re not busy, we sometimes have a chat for a while. And um.. we talk a lot about coffee. No one can stop our passion for coffee. We discuss about coffee beans and taste … and.. you know everytime we chat, we always lose track of time absolutely. It was awesome!!!. Anyway, this question makes me wanna call up my neighbor.. you know for coffee tasting after this test.

  • Please tell me about a memorable experience you have had in your neighborhood. When and where did it occur? What happened that made the experience so memorable? Please describe it in detail.
    • Answer: um.. actually, I think the most memorable thing is that um.. mr.lee and I became friends. Mr. lee is one of my upstairs neighbors. Maybe… about 2 years ago, we first met in apartment elevator. We had a little chit-chat and I found he was a big fan of coffee. So .. I suggested him to go a really tasty coffee shop which is called Blackhole coffee. so.. next week, we went there and tasted many types of coffee. I was really surprised to be able to make this sort of friendship within the apartment. And.. Now.. he is one of my best friends… and this is the most memorable experience in my neighborhood.