
[AIX] AIX Commands Cheat Sheet (AIX 명령어 정리)

benjykim 2021. 5. 21. 08:00

AIX 명령어 정리


시스템 정보

구분 명령어
Server Release Info oslevel -r
Server type prtconf | grep -i 'System Model'
Hardware Info lscfg -v / lscfg -l ent0 / lscfg -vl fcs0 (find the WWN of HBA adapter) / lsdev / lsdev -Cc disk -p scsi0 / lsslot -c [pci|phb|port] / lspath -l hdisk0
Operating System oslevel [-r|-s]
Memory prtconf -m / prtconf | grep -i memory / lsattr -El sys0 -a realmem / bootinfo -r
CPU(type, number, etc) prtconf | grep -i processor
Disk Drives lsdev -Cc disk / lsdev -Cc disk -p scsi0 (specific controller) / lsdev -Cc disk -S [a|d|s] (available, defined, stopped) / lscfg -v -l hdisk0
Kernel File and assoicated directories /unix / /usr/lib/boot / /usr/lib/drivers / /usr/lib/boot/unix_64
Kernel 32 or 64 prtconf -k / bootinfo -K
Display Firmware prtconf | grep -i firmware / lscfg -pv / invscout
Display IRQ, IO ports and DMA prtconf
GUI admin tool smit / smitty

메모리 및 스왑

구분 명령어
Memory prtconf -m / prtconf | grep -i memory / lsattr -El sys0 -a realmem / bootinfo -r
Page size(memory) pagesize / pagesize -a (display all supported pagesizes)
Display swap lsps -a (detailed) / lsps -s
Adding swap mkps -a -s 4 -n <volume group> / chps -a n paging00 (don't use after restart) ← change the attributes / chlv -n NEW_NAME OLD_NAME (change page space name) ← change the logical volume attributes (name in this case)
-a = reconfigure paging space after restart / -s = size of the page space (logical partitions) / -n = activates the paging space (use swapoff to deactivate)
Removing swap swapoff /dev/paging00 / rmps paging00 / Note: paging space must be activated before removing

디스크, 파일 시스템 및 디바이스

구분 명령어
Disk Drives lsdev -Cc disk
Disk Serial Number, type, etc lscfg -vl hdisk0
Disk partitions lsvg -l rootvg / lchangelv / cat /etc/filesystems
List Raw Partitions mklv -y rawVolume vg01 10 ← create a raw volume
Bad Blocks chlv -b [y|n] <lv> ← Note : enables bad block relocation
Filesystem commands df -k / lsfs [<filesystem>] / lsfs -q <filesystem> (detailed)
Filesystem (create) crfs -v jfs2 -d data02lv -m /data02 -A yes / -v = filesystem type, -d = device of logical volume, -m = mountpoint, -A = mount after restart [yes|no]
Filesystem (remove) rmfs -ri /data02 / -r = remove the mountpoint, -i = display warning before removing
Tune Filesystems chfs / Note : you can perform the following - resize, freeze, change mountpoint, permissions...
Backup filesystem backup | restore / tar / dd / cpio
Display the boot device bootinfo -b (display last boot device) / bootlist -m [normal|sevice] -o (display bootable devices)
Setting the boot device bootlist -m normal hdisk0 hdisk1
Createing boot device (MBR) bosboot -a (uses default device) / bosboot -ad hdisk1
mount/unmount floppy mount /dev/rfd0 /floppy
mount/unmount CDROM mount -v cdrfs -r /dev/cd0 /cdrom / unmount /cdrom
Update /dev directory cfgmgr / cfgmgr -l scsi0 / mkdev
Remove or change a device rmdev -l cd0 / chdev -l rmt0 -a ret=no


구분 명령어
Displaying network interfaces ifconfig -a / entstat -d <interface> / lsdev -Cc if / odmget -q "name=en0" CuAt / lsattr -EHl en0
Configure network interface mktcpip (completely setup a network interface) / rmtcpip (remove all network interfaces) / mktcpip -h aix1 -a -m -i en1 -g
-h = hostname assigned to interface / -a = ip address / -m = netmask / -i = interface name / -g = gateway ip address
ifconfig en1 detach ← remove an interface / chdev (add aliases to network interface
Starting and stopping a network interface ifconfig en0 up / ifconfig en0 down / ifconfig en0 detach (remove)
Setting NIC speed chdev -l ent0 -a media_speed=1000_Full_Duplex -P / entX = physical device / enX = frame type run on entX
Change NIC parameters netstat -v / entstat -d <interface> / no -a / no -o "ipforwarding=1"
Display NIC statistics netstat -i [-f inet] / netstat -s / entstat -d <interface>
Display MAC address netstat -ia
Displaying network packets tcpdump -i <interface> / iptrace -i <interface> <output file> / ipreport (used with iptrace to view reports) / Note : you must stop the iptrace by using "kill -15"
Default router route add 0 <gateway IP address> / Note : there is no file that holds the default router
Display routing table netstat -rn / netstat -r -f inet / lsattr -EHl inet0 -a route
Test IPMP, Bonding smitty etherchannel (creates, deletes and tests) / entstat -d ent0
Change the hostname hostname <new hostname> / chdev -l inet0 -a hostname=<hostname>
Setup DNS /etc/resolv.conf
Name service switch file (DNS client) /etc/netsvc.conf / chnamsv (change name service) / rmnamsv (remove a name service) / lsnamsv -C (list name services)
Flush DNS cache netcdctrl -t dns -e hosts -f
Domain Name domainname <domainname>
Obtain IP Address routing route -n get <hostname>
Find Services on the network rpcinfo -b bootparam 1 (Boot(jumpstart) servers) / rpcinfo -b mountd 1 (NFS servers) / rpcinfo -b ypserv 1 (NIS servers/slaves)

크래시 덤프

구분 명령어
Crash Dump sysdumpdev -l (list dump destination) / sysdumpdev -e (estimates dumpsize) / sysdumpdev -L (info)

성능 모니터링 및 진단

구분 명령어
CPU topas -P / topas -L (logical partitions) / mpstat / sar -c / w / lparstat / tprof / curt
Memory topas / vmstat / sar -b / svmon / rmss/ ipcs -a / ps
Network [ent|tok|fddi|atm]stat / netstat / netpmon (trcstop to stop trace)
Disk topas -D (disk) / topas -F (filesystem) / iostat / sar -D / fcstat (fibre) / lvmstat / filemon (trcstop to stop) / fileplace / chdev -l sys0 -a iostat=true ← disk stat history
Application topas / truss / sar / probevue / tprof
NFS nfsstat

커널 모듈 및 파라미터

구분 명령어
Display loaded modules genkex
Set kernel parameters (tuning) chdev -l sys0 -a <parameter>=<value> / no -a (network) / vmo -a (virtual memory) / nfso -a (NFS) / ioo -a (Input/Output) / raso -a (reliability, availability, serviceability)
schedo -a (processor scheduler) / vi /etc/security/limits / cd /etc/tunables
Display kernel parameters lsattr -EHl sys0
Build kernel chdev -l sys0 -a <parameter>=<value>
Note : most params are dynamically changed in AIX, for example memory segments are dynamically adjusted
Interprocess communication ipcs -a


구분 명령어
Display services lssrc -a
Start services startsrc -s <subsystem> / startsrc -g <group>
Stop services stopsrc -s <subsystem> / stopsrc -g <group>
Reload service refresh -s <subsystem>
Restart service stopsrc -s <subsystem> / startsrc -s <subsystem>
Service status lssrc -a
Service logging, etc /var/adm/ras / /etc/syslog.conf / etc/rc.tcpip

패치 및 소프트웨어

구분 명령어
Display installed patches instfix -ia
Adding patch instfix -k
Removing patch installp -r
Display installed packages lslpp -L all (all filesets) / lslpp -L <package> (single fileset) / lslpp -w <file> (file belongs) / lslpp -ha (history of filesets)
rpm -qa (all packages) / rpm -q (single package) / rpm -qf (file belongs) / rpm -qi <package> (very detailed)
oslevel -g (install packages above os level) / whereis <filename> / which_fileset <filename>
adding package installp -a / installp -c (cleanup after failed install) / rpm -i
removing packages installp -u (committed packages) / installp -r (applied packages) / rpm -e <package>
verify package lppchk -v / rpm -V <package>
List files in package lslpp -f <fileset> / rpm -ql <package>
Package directory /usr/lpp / /var/lib/rpm
List libraries required for binary program ldd <file>


구분 명령어
Display users cat /etc/passwd / lsuser -f ALL (detailed)
Create a user mkuser / useradd
Remove a user rmuser / userdel
Modify a user chuser -a / usermod / passwd -f / chfn <username>
Change user password passwd / pwdadm / pwdck -t ALL
Create a group mkgroup <group name>
Remove a group rmgroup <group name>
Modify a group chgroup <attribute> <groupname>
Password files /etc/security/passwd
Useful user commands id / whoami / who / finger
Useful group commands groups / setgroups / lsgroup ALL


구분 명령어
NTP Daemons server : rpc.mountd, nfsd / client : rpc.statd, rpc.lockd
NFS files /etc/exports / /etc/xtab
List NFS clients that have a remote mount /etc/xtab
Display NFS shares exportfs / showmount -e localhost
Create NFS share mknfsexp -d <directory> / mknfsmnt / shareall
Uncreate NFS share rmnfsexp -d <directory> (unshares and removes from file) / exportfs -u <filesystem> / unshareall
Start/change NFS daemons mknfs / chnfs / startsrc -s nfsd / startsrc -s rpc.mountd
Stop NFS daemons rmnfs / stopsrc -s nfsd / stopsrc -s rpc.mountd
NFS status lssrc -a | grep -i nfs
NFS reload exportfs -av
NFS performance nfsstat
NFS Options nfso -a / nfso -o <option>=<value>


구분 명령어
Time daemons xntpd
NTP setup /etc/ntp.conf / startsrc -s xntpd / stopsrc -s xntpd / lslpp -L all | grep xntpd
NTP daemon options startsrc -s xntpd -a "-x" / /etc/rc.tcpip
NTP Trace commands ntpq -p / ntptrace / ntpdate

로그 파일

구분 명령어
messages /var/adm/ras
syslog /var/adm/ras
mail /usr/spool/mqueue
cron /var/adm/cron/log
boot /var/adm/ras / alog -o -t boot / alog -o -t console
alog -L (list all the logs available)
Error logging /usr/lib/errdemon -l (display attributes) / /usr/lib/errdemon (start error logging) / /usr/lib/errstop (stop error logging)
errpt (summary errorlog report) / errpt -a (detailed errorlog report) / errclear (clears errorlog)


구분 명령어
Checking the passwd file pwdck -t ALL / usrck -t ALL
Checking the group file grpck
Console login (allow/deny) /etc/security/user / chsec -f /etc/security/user -s root