[오픽] 캠핑가기 스크립트
선택 사항: 일 경험 없음 / 학생 아니다(수강 후 5년 이상 지남) / 가족과 함께 거주 / 영화보기, 공원가기, 해변가기, 카페/커피 전문점 가기 / 음악 듣기 / 조깅 및 걷기, 하이킹/트레킹 / 운동 전혀 하지 않음 / 집에서 보내는 휴가 / 국내 여행 / 해외 여행
난이도: 5 선택
성적: IH
참고 자료: 오픽 노잼 및 2주 만에 끝내는 해커스 오픽(Advanced 공략)
스크립트 정리
- In your background survey, you indicated that you like going camping. How often do you go camping, and what time of the year do you typically go? Who do you usually go with? What do you like to go on camping trips?
- Answer: um.. well, I normally go to the Kensington beach for camping and it is located in 고성, 강원도. I go there maybe… two times a year with my best friends. And.. you know, I really like to get some rest just sitting on the comfy chair and watching movies or tv dramas with my laptop. And… taking a walk with my friends and talking about daily life … and other stuffs.. nothing special… And.. one of the most important reasons to go camping is food. You know… There is a big difference between eating ramen at home and at camping. I don’t know why. Just… Anything we eat at camping site is more delicious. And it’s really fun to make food together… so .. This is the main reason that I like to go camping
- When was the last time you went camping? Where did you go? Who did you go with? Describe what you did on your camping trip in as much as detail as you can.
- Answer: um.. I think … my last camping was maybe one year ago? With my friends. We went to the Kensington beach which is located in 고성. It’s part of kang-won-do, east side. And um… the reason why we went there is … one of my best friends was going to go the army the next day you know.. military service. It sucks. Anyway… so about 10 friends had gathered and we played with a ball on the beach and took lots of pictures near the beach. And we also cut our friend’s hair … it was like ..um.. nearly bald. It was really fun. Becuz except for that friend, all other friends were already discharged from military service… and overall… it was the best camping ever and I miss a lot those days.
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