
[오픽] 해변가기 스크립트

benjykim 2021. 2. 17. 14:28

[오픽] 해변가기 스크립트

선택 사항: 일 경험 없음 / 학생 아니다(수강 후 5년 이상 지남) / 가족과 함께 거주 / 영화보기, 공원가기, 해변가기, 카페/커피 전문점 가기 / 음악 듣기 / 조깅 및 걷기, 하이킹/트레킹 / 운동 전혀 하지 않음 / 집에서 보내는 휴가 / 국내 여행 / 해외 여행

난이도: 5 선택

성적: IH

참고 자료: 오픽 노잼 및 2주 만에 끝내는 해커스 오픽(Advanced 공략)

스크립트 정리

  • Tell me about a memorable experience you have had at the beach. When was it? What happened? Who were you with? Explain what happened in detail to make it unforgettable.
    • Answer: um… well, I remember going to the beach with my best friends maybe a few months ago.. last year..? We went to the Kensington beach which is located in 고성. It’s part of kang-won-do, east side. And um… the reason why we went there is … one of my best friends was going to go the army the next day you know.. military service. It sucks. Anyway… so about 10 friends had gathered and we played with a ball on the beach and took lots of pictures near the beach. And we also cut our friend’s hair … it was like ..um.. nearly bald. It was really fun. Becuz except for that friend, all other friends were already discharged from military service… and overall… it was the best memory ever and I miss a lot those days.

  • You indicated in your background survey that you like going to beaches. Tell me about favorite beach. Where is it and what does it look like? Why do you like it there so much?
    • Answer: um.. favorite beach.. alright.. you know Kensington beach which is located at 고성? That beach is one of my favorite beaches. Becuz I had a lot of memories which are related to my friends… UM… I went there serveral times with my friend and had fun a lot.. and you know, the air quality is quite different compared with seoul’s air. It is really fresh and I can breath without any worries… and um.. scenary is so ~~ sick. Just looking at that scenery makes me relax and also relieves all of my stress. I really like that beach so much…