
[오픽] 영화관람 스크립트

benjykim 2021. 2. 16. 09:10

[오픽] 영화관람 스크립트

선택 사항: 일 경험 없음 / 학생 아니다(수강 후 5년 이상 지남) / 가족과 함께 거주 / 영화보기, 공원가기, 해변가기, 카페/커피 전문점 가기 / 음악 듣기 / 조깅 및 걷기, 하이킹/트레킹 / 운동 전혀 하지 않음 / 집에서 보내는 휴가 / 국내 여행 / 해외 여행

난이도: 5 선택

성적: IH

참고 자료: 오픽 노잼 및 2주 만에 끝내는 해커스 오픽(Advanced 공략)

스크립트 정리

  • In your background survey you indicated that you like to see movies. What kind of movies do you enjoy watching? Why do you like to watch those kinds of movies? Tell me about these movies in as much detail as possible.
    • Answer: Well yes, I like watching movies and I would say that I like all kinds of movies. And I think I don’t really prefer just one. But among my favorites, I think I like fantasy movies becuz fantasy scenes really help me to relieve my stress… and get away from my worries. And um.. fantasy movies have simple storyline so I can concentrate on the movie very easily and I don’t have to be serious. Anyway, If you wanna watch some fantasy movies, I really recommend ‘aladdin’ to you.

  • I’d like you to tell me about your favorite actor. Who is the actor? What movies has he or she starred in? What do you like most about him or her? Please tell me about the actor in as much detail as possible.
    • Answer: Um… my favorite actor is Naomi Scott. She is wonderful. Naomi Scott starred in the movie which is called ‘Aladdin’. I like her becuz of her appearance… she has brown eyes, brown hair and … um beautiful smile. Um.. maybe 2 years ago, my girlfriend and I watched a movie Aladdin. After watching the movie, I said “she is so pretty” with several times. And my girlfriend was getting angry about my reaction And she smashed my back. It was so hurt, Anyway, if you gonna watch this movie, be careful about your reaction after wathcing this movie.

  • Please tell me about the most memorable movie you have seen. What was the movie about? Who was in it? Why was it memorable?
    • Answer: I recently watched ‘Aladdin’ again, actually, I have watched that movie more than 3 times. I love that movie so much. Naomi Scott starred in the film, and I really like her. She is very attractive and suitable for heroine, Becuz there are lots of singing scences in the movie and she is really good at singing. As you know… the storyline of Aladdin is quite predictable. And.. everytime I watch that movie, I feel like I’m a child. you know. it makes me relax and carefree. It’s So good. So Overall, if you wanna escape daily life for a while, you have to watch fantasy movies like aladdin!~~

  • Has your taste in movies changed over time? Tell me about the changes in our tastes in movies over the past few years. How are the movies you enjoy now different from those in the past? Please explain in as much detail as possible
    • Answer: Um… the movie that I liked was sort of Science fiction movies. But today, I really like to watch fantasy movies. In the past, I was so interested in Science and Technology and my favorites movies were like… martian or inter stellar… I was really fascinated by those kinds of movies. But now, I love to watch just fantasy movies, becuz it makes me feel relaxed and escapes from reality. If you watch sf movies, you might try to understand some technology stuffs…. And it will makes some headaches. So Overall, if you wanna escape daily life for a while, you have to watch fantasy movies like aladdin!