
[오픽] 거주지 스크립트

benjykim 2021. 2. 15. 07:41

[오픽] 거주지 스크립트

선택 사항: 일 경험 없음 / 학생 아니다(수강 후 5년 이상 지남) / 가족과 함께 거주 / 영화보기, 공원가기, 해변가기, 카페/커피 전문점 가기 / 음악 듣기 / 조깅 및 걷기, 하이킹/트레킹 / 운동 전혀 하지 않음 / 집에서 보내는 휴가 / 국내 여행 / 해외 여행

난이도: 5 선택

성적: IH

참고 자료: 오픽 노잼 및 2주 만에 끝내는 해커스 오픽(Advanced 공략)

스크립트 정리

  • 사는 곳

    • Please tell me about your house. What’s your favorite room? What does it look like? Why do you like that room?
      • Answer: Um… about my house.. you know, I live in a 3 bedroom apartment with my parents. You know, among them, my favorite is my bedroom. Becuz I can do whatever I want in my bedroom. Um… like, I can wind down and relax in my bedroom. You know, i can also listen to music and watch movies and so on. Oh~ it’s perfect place in my house. You know… um… whenever I try to concentrate on something, my room is the best place in my house. Overall, I love my own bedroom so~ much.

    • Compare the home you lived in before to the one you live in now. What are the differences between those two homes? Provide me with as many details as possible.
      • Answer: Um.. actually, I lived in a quite big apartment with my parents. it was the place where I grew up, and it was really different from where I live now. And um.. The size of my bedroom is getting smaller. When I was in big apartment, I could put a computer, a bed and some various types of stuffs . But now, I can’t put more things than before. It is a shame… I wish I could move to another place which my room is more bigger. Anyway, even for such things, there are many cafes around so apartment and it makes me feel better. If there weren’t cafes like starbucks, twosome place…, I would have died.

    • Have you ever had any problems with your home? What was the problem, and how did you deal with it? How did the problem turn out? Give me as many details as possible.
      • Answer: Um.. actually I had a fight with my older brother. We wanted to use big bedroom.. And, um… during those time, I was a little bit greedy when it comes to choosing my bedroom. I really wanted to have my own big space. So we had a rock-scissor-paper.. you know, maybe It was a little bit childish but it really worked when we are faced some difficult situations. Overall, I got win and I could choose my own bedroom. It was really a thrill for me.